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Fashion et Moi

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Wednesday, 29 April 2015


How to style levi 501 jeans, topshop
Vintage levi 501 jeans styled with topshop crop top and kimono
Japanese dress, white topshop crop top
White topshop ribbed crop top
Japanese traditional kimono sleeves
Vintage Kimono / Vintage Levi jeans / Topshop crop / New Look sandals (old) / Vintage silver belt
Location: Quai de Bourbon, 75004 Paris

Kimonos are still a strong summer favourite and I'm chuffed with this one. It's the real deal and has the amazing oversized sleeves that you would see on the traditional Japanese kimono. It's so easy and comfortable to wear, making it the perfect light jacket for summer. I'm now on the look out for one in a similar shape but long and multicoloured.


Des kimonos sont toujours un favori d'été et je kiffe celui-ci. Il est vrai et il a les manches magnifiques et oversized comme celles qu'aurait un kimono japanais traditionnel. Il est très confortable et facile à mettre, alors il est la veste parfaitement légère pour été. Maintenant, je cherche un autre de la même coupe mais plus long et multicoloré.

Izzie x 

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Monday, 27 April 2015

The Best of ASOS: Summer Edit Wishlist

Best of ASOS summer - look one
Best of ASOS summer look two
Best of ASOS summer look three

Too. many. beautiful. things. ASOS are really on top of their game this season, especially when it comes to boho and seventies vibes. I want it all please. My favourite has to be the white crochet playsuit in look two, I don't think I can resist much longer. What is your favourite piece?


Trop. de. belles. choses. ASOS est tellement fort cette saison, surtout concernant des fringues de style années 70s et hippy. Je veux tout please. Ma pièce préférée est la combi blanche courte avec le crochet dans la tenue deux, je ne pense pas que je ne peux plus la résister. Quelle pièce est votre favorite?

Izzie x

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Thursday, 23 April 2015

Military & Double Denim

SS15 utility trend
Military trend
How to style and wear double denim
So Chaud Mac lipstick
All vintage except Dr Martens shoes.

Both denim and the utility trend are big this season so why not combine them? This look is really layered - I left the denim shirt loose over the skort rather than tucking it in as usual, and I really like it. Double denim can be quite difficult to wear so my rule is to not overdo it. I bought this little sand-coloured military jacket a few years ago in a vintage shop and I've just rediscovered it! It's nice and light for summer and looks great both open and tied together with the attached belt. 


Du jean et la tendance "utilité" sont très à la mode cette saison du coup pourquoi pas les mettre ensemble? Ce look est très superposé - j'ai laissé la chemise en jean ample sur la "skort" au lieu de la mettre à l'intérieur comme d'habitude et j'aime bien. Il est difficile des fois de porter deux articles en jean au même temps mais il faut qu'on n'en fait pas trop, c'est ma règle. J'ai acheté cette petite veste militaire de couleur sable il y a quelques années et je viens de la redécouvrir! Elle est super et légère pour l'été et elle est bien ouverte et aussi fermée avec la ceinture attachée.

Izzie x

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Tuesday, 21 April 2015

White boho dress

White boho dress great for festivals
Pairing girly white dress and tough Dr Martens shoes
Lying in a field of flowers
Grunge Dr Martens amongst grass and flowers
Elastic back of white dress
Vintage white dress / Dr Martens boots / Ray Bans sunglasses
Location: rue de l'Hôtel de Ville, 75004 Paris

Spring has truly sprung, which means I get to finally wear this girly boho dress that I picked up for 1€ a few months ago. It will be perfect for festivals too - white was the go-to colour for all the seventies inspired outfits at Coachella so I can't wait to wear this at Glastonbury

How cute is the location I found to shoot this outfit?! It looks like I'm in a flower-filled meadow in the middle of the countryside whereas in fact I'm in the middle of Paris.


Le printemps est bien arrivé alors enfin je peux porter cette robe hippy et féminine que j'ai acheté il y a quelques mois pour qu'un 1€! Elle sera parfaite pour des festivals aussi - la couleur blanche était la plus populaire pour les outfits inspirés des années 70s au festival de Coachella alors j'ai hâte de la porter à Glastonbury.

Comment est-il mignon cet endroit où on a pris des photos de ce outfit?! Il semble que je suis en plein campagne dans un champs rempli de fleurs mais en fait je suis au centre de Paris.

Izzie x

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Sunday, 19 April 2015

Restaurant review: La Marine

Paris restaurant La Marine
La Marine - 55 Bis Quai de Valmy, 75010 Paris
Paris restaurant La Marine inside

La Marine, situated on the buzzy Canal Saint Martin, is without doubt one of my favourite restaurants in Paris. It's one of the places I like to take people who are visiting me but also I love going there with friends. I went with former Paris dweller Gina while she was here for Paris Fashion Week, and some other friends.

Food at La Marine Paris

I must admit that I order the same dish every time that I go because it is just so damn good! Filets of sea bass on a bed of grilled vegetables topped with green salsa - really healthy, refreshing and delicious! I have been assured that all the food is good from steak tartare to lamb tagine, this is good French cuisine with other interesting influences. There are two or three tasty vegetarian options too, which is always a winner in my eyes!

Drink at La Marine Paris
Inside La Marine

The atmosphere is great. It's pretty much always full in the evenings so book in advance and you will not regret it!


La Marine, qui se situe au Canal Saint Martin animé, est sans doute un de mes restaurants préférés dans Paris. Il est un des endroits où j'aime bien amener des gens qui me rendent visite mais aussi pour dîner avec des potes de Paris. La dernière fois que j'y suis allée était quand Gina, ma copine anglaise et ex-habitant de Paris, était à Paris pour Fashion Week. 

Je vous avoue que je commande le même plat chaque fois parce qu'il est tellement bon! Des filets de dorade sur une confiture de légumes grillés avec un salsa vert - très sain, frais et délicieux! On m'a dit que toute la bouffe est bonne (pas seulement la dorade!) et il y a plein de choix comme du tartare de boeuf et une tagine d'agneau - c'est la bonne cuisine française avec des influences intéressantes. Il y a aussi deux ou trois options végétariennes qui est super dans mes yeux!

L'ambiance est geniale. Le restaurant est presque toujours complet le soir alors réservez une table en avance - vous ne regretteriez pas!

Izzie x

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Wednesday, 15 April 2015

White shirt & crochet

White transparent shirt with crochet and vintage Levi shorts
White shirt and crochet
White lace shirt and suede backpack
SS15 keys trends, seventies white shirt and crochet
Seventies mini suede backpack
Crochet waistcoat over white shirt and Levi shorts
Vintage white blouse / Vintage crochet waistcoat / Vintage Levi shorts / Vintage backpack / Ray Ban sunglasses / Topshop belt (old) / Dr Martens shoes
Location: Parc de Sceaux

I'm still such a fan of crochet. I bought this cute waistcoat last summer and I think it looks great over this semi-transparent white blouse with amazing lace detail sleeves. This shirt/waistcoat combo would also be perfect with some denim flares but alas, I am yet to find my perfect pair so my trusty Levi denim shorts it had to be.

On to the backpack, my god I fell in love as soon as it came out of the box at work. Multi-coloured striped suede, camel leather and the miniature size - so so perfect.


Je suis toujours fan de crochet. J'ai acheté ce gilet mignon l'été dernier et je pense qu'il va trop bien sur cette chemise blanche semi-transparente avec des détails magnifiques sur les manches. Cet ensemble chemise/gilet irait trop bien avec un jean patte d'eph mais j'ai pas encore trouvé le parfait du coup mon short en jean Levis a gagné ici.

On parle de ce sac à dos, ouah, je suis tombée amoureuse quand on l'ai fait sortir du carton au travail. Des rayures multi-colorées en daim, du cuir de couleur chameau et sa petite taille - trop, trop parfait. 

Izzie x

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Monday, 13 April 2015

The last wintery outfit (I hope)

Vintage bandana / Vintage Levi jeans / Primark jumper / Vintage Burberry trench coat / Dr Martens 
Location: rue Roger Velomme, 75003 Paris

After a week of lovely sunshine being stuck at work I was quite disappointed that I had to resort back to jeans and a jumper on a rather chilly Saturday. Not too disappointed though because I love this outfit, just simple and comfortable with a twist added thanks to this cute bandana.

I've got some more summery outfits planned so let's hope the weather just keeps getting hotter and hotter! No more cold weekends please Mr Weatherman, that is just not cool…


Après une semaine de soleil pendant que je travaillais, j'étais assez déçue de remettre un jean et un pull ce samedi où il faisait un peu plus froid. Pas trop déçue parce que j'aime bien ce outfit, simple et confortable avec un bandana pour ajouter un twist mignon.

J'ai prévu des outfits plus pour été du coup j'espère que le température continue à augmenter! Plus de weekends froids s'il vous plaît Monsieur Metéo, c'est pas cool…

Izzie x

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Sunday, 12 April 2015

Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty

"There was so much repression in London fashion. It had to be livened up."

For me, one of the most exciting aspects of fashion is pushing boundaries. Going beyond what is expected of you and your limits, making peoples' heads turn and changing the world. Alexander McQueen did exactly that.

Alexander McQueen started his immense career in fashion in 1985 with an apprenticeship with Savile Row tailors at the age of 16. The first designs at the V&A's incredible Savage Beauty exhibition show how important this training was for McQueen - through his knowledge of traditional tailoring he was able to deconstruct shapes and create unique cuts. 
In the next room we are transported from the grey walls and these comparatively modest designs to McQueen's Romantic Gothic collection, which was inspired by 19th century Victorian gothic and combines horror and romance.
"I want to empower women. I want people to be afraid of the women I dress."

We are dared to respond to the question: is this aggressive or dark romantic? Perhaps it is neither. Personally, I am not offended by models in leather face masks and bondage straps but I do find the use of bizarre animal body parts and hair slightly extreme - although being a vegetarian I'm probably biased and I tried to overcome this by just looking through fashion eyes. Of course, this was just the warm up...
McQueen was driven by a fascination with the beauty and savagery of the natural world and this is seen at its most extreme in the Primitivism room. Individual alcoves made of skulls and bones, which reminded me of the Paris Catacombes, displayed designs made of anything from horse hair, leather and baby crocodile heads to wool and beads. 
"I find beauty in the grotesque, like most artists."

The Cabinet of Curiosities is arguably the centrepiece and you just don't know where to look first. In each cabinet there is an extravagant design, mad un-walkable  shoes or a crazy headdress. On various TV screens there are clips from theatrical McQueen catwalk shows, which I just could not take me eyes off. I would love to go back and watch a show of his, they look out of this world. In the next small, dark room we experience something quite magical - the hologram ghost video of Kate Moss set to the music from Schindler's List from the finale of his Paris show in 2006.
Nature was McQueen's greatest influence so it is not surprising that he used raw materials found in the natural world in his designs. How incredible is this dress made from sea shells?! Probably not very comfortable but beautiful to look at! He also used real flowers that withered onto the catwalk, which is both beautiful and sad. Alexander McQueen's last fully realised collection before his tragic suicide in 2010 is called Plato Atlantis and was clearly inspired by nature, in particular, sea creatures. 
The scale-like sequins, jelly fish motifs and metallic colours make up what is considered McQueen's greatest achievement. It is a tragedy that we lost such a talented fashion designer when he was at the top of his game and I am sure every fashion lover wonders where he would have taken us to next.

Go and visit Alexander McQueen: Savage Beauty at the V&A, it is a must-see! The exhibition is on until 2nd August 2015 - get your tickets booked now!

Izzie x

Image source: Vogue

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Thursday, 9 April 2015

Paisley & Fringing

Zara dress (old) / Vintage fringe leather jacket / Vintage fedora / Choies boots (old)

I'm really drawn to anything paisley patterned at the moment and so this boho Zara dress is a winner. I love the shape and frilly bits and it looks great with my favourite fringed leather jacket.


J'aime bien le motif cachemire en ce moment et alors cette robe hippy de Zara est parfaite. Je kiffe la coupe et les volants et elle va bien avec mon blouson en cuir à franges préféré. 

Izzie x

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Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Three Trends in One

Vintage suede skirt / Topshop denim shirt (old) / Dr Martens shoes

Denim, suede and the button down skirt - this is how to hit three of this season's top trends in one. A classic denim shirt is a wardrobe staple for any girl (or guy for that matter) and luckily for us, denim and suede are just a match made in fashion heaven. How amazing is this multicoloured suede skirt?! The colours are absolutely beautiful, as is the scallop cut and must-have buttons down the front. Perfection. 

Let's move on to the real star, this beautiful cat that photo-bombed in the middle of the shoot. I am delighted to finally share the spotlight with a fluffy buddy - I think I'll be hanging around this daffodil-filled square more often!


Du jean, du daim et la jupe boutonnée - voilà comment mettre ensemble trois des tendances de cette saison. Une chemise en jean est une essentielle pour toutes les filles (et tous les mecs en fait) et heureusement, du jean et du daim ont un mariage parfait. Comment elle est trop magnifique cette jupe en daim multi-colorée?! Les couleurs sont vachement belles, la coupe aussi et les must-have boutons devant. Parfaite. 

En fait, il faut vraiment parler de la vraie étoile, ce beau chat qui a photobombé quand on était en plein shooting. Je suis trop heureuse de partager enfin le cadre avec cette boule de poils - je pense que je traînerai plus souvent dans cette place de jonquilles!

Izzie x

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